Saturday, January 7, 2012

Welcome to Lilacs and Lavender Historic Gardens


Beautiful Gardens of Salem Ma. Enjoying another weekend in my favorite New England Sea Port. These are just a few of my many photo's that I have taken over the years. I will be venturing out today for another photo shoot, so more pictures will follow ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Very nice! Makes me wish that we were closer to the spring and summer again so I can go back up to the House of the Seven Gables when the gardens are blooming. Gotta remember to get to the Ropes Mansion Gardens, too!

  3. Yes I agree Linda. We must coordinate our schedules so we can plan a spring weekend here in Salem. So many wonderful gardens to explore and yes you MUST see the Ropes Mansion. An absolute favorite of mine :)
